Mergers & Acquisitions

Acuity Law advises on complex legal issues in M&A transactions. We handle a full range of M&A transaction including advising on (i) amalgamations / mergers; (ii) schemes of arrangement, reconstructions and demergers; (iii) acquisitions and divestments of shares, assets and businesses (public listed and unlisted entities); (iv) distressed transactions; and (v) restructuring including capital and debt restructuring, buy-back of securities and reduction of capital.
Our clients include public and private companies, private equity funds, both large and small, individuals, government owned businesses and overseas clients.
We provide a full range of services associated with M&A transactions such as:
- highlighting industry specific legal risks
- structuring transactions
- conducting legal due diligence
- drafting, negotiating and finalizing various transaction documents, obtaining government and regulatory approvals.
- complying with post completion filings
- Post-merger / acquisition support
Shareholder’s Rights
The rights, duties and obligations of shareholders of an Indian company is governed by the provisions of (Indian) Companies Act, 2013 and rules framed under it (Companies Act), the articles of association of the company and shareholders’ agreement. Typically, the board of directors control and supervise the management and operations of a company. However, there are certain decisions and actions which can only be undertaken by the shareholders.
This primer gives an overview of various rights of shareholders of an Indian company.
Modes of Funding
Indian entities may raise funds through different modes permissible under the Indian laws. We have tried to answer some of the common queries in relation to raising funds under various modes under Indian laws.
Corporate Governance
Here are some of the common queries in relation to corporate governance in India.
Competition Law
Globally, a competitive market is acknowledged as the best means of ensuring that consumers have access to the broadest range of services at the most competitive prices. Competition Laws are designed to promote and sustain such competitive market by removing market imperfections through appropriate regulations. Here we deal with the principal laws and practices to regulate and promote competition in India.
Shareholder's Protection
Shareholders, though not in direct control of a company, are the real owners of the company. The investments made by shareholders in companies entitle them to certain rights. This primer gives a broad overview of the various protections guaranteed to shareholders under India’s corporate legislation.
The Takeover Code
Strictly regulates the acquisition of shares, voting rights or control in listed Indian companies with the ultimate objective of regulating any change in shareholding or control of the company so as to protect the retail investors who have made investments in these companies. The Takeover Code seeks to ensure that these changes are undertaken in an equitable and transparent manner and in a manner which provides an exit opportunity to shareholders. In this primer we take a look at the key concepts under the Takeover Code.